Eli and I went to Tuttle Orchards in Greenfield with the baby playgroup last Tuesday. We had a cold snap this week and so this trip to the orchard felt a little more fall-ish than the one we took a couple of weeks ago. We gave this cute photo-op the old college try, but coordinating 5 babies isn't so easy. From left to right we have Ellie, Lyla, Nathan, Eli and Gabi. Eli K. had to miss the big fun as he was having a reaction to his chicken pox vaccine. Here are the babies in the wagon, ready to pick some apples. Eli is hamming it up, as usual.
We didn't have a big choice of apples to pick from, but I discovered a variety I've never tried: Ida Red. Yum-o. The boys agree. Even Nathan went to town on his apple with all 2 of his teeth! Eli devoured his apple down to the core, then ate another one on the way home.
Nathan to the playgroup ladies: Do you think my tractor's sexy?
Gabi's not buying it. It's okay, Gabi. I'm not a tractor kind of girl, either.
But I do like boys in tractor shirts (thanks, Julie!).
Thanks for a fun outing, girls!