I totally had a picture for today, but I’m relegated to the laptop while Mike plays in a poker tournament, so no access to the pictures. I do have a couple of Elena stories instead . . .
She loves to have Eli in her room with her when she’s getting ready for school in the morning. This morning he was sitting up, doing his baby thing, which is basically just being really freakin’ cute without much effort. Elena’s a big fan as well: "Momma, I just love his moves."
She’s also been obsessed with all things presidential lately. I guess it’s a combination of too much NPR in the car, President’s Day, talking about Washington & Lincoln at school, and a very timely "Presidents & First Ladies" trinket in the Chick-fil-a kid’s meal. (Okay, going off on a tangent for a second with the Chick-fil-a thingy. On the Bill and Hillary card they say something about Bill’s "scandal" and how Hillary stuck by him, yada yada. Have you ever tried explaining scandal to a kindergartner? It made me want to flip back to Nixon and try to converse about Watergate.) Anyhow, she’s been drawing pictures of Washington, Adams and Lincoln. And wishing people "a very happy President’s Day!" The other day she told me that she was going to be president. Her first order of business was going to be to make all thieves stop being thieves. She also wants to own a store called the Mayflower. She’s going to be president first, though, because then everyone will want to come to her store and meet a real president.
Yes, indeedy, they will.